Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 Recap and the New Year

As we cruise to the end of the year, there is much to look forward to in 2017. 2016 showed a ton of progress for Under One Hour, and 2017 looks to continue that progress in a big way!

2016 Accomplishments

New Cover Design - Under One Hour had a new cover designed for every book. Thank you to all of the feedback on the cover to help design it to what it is today, and a BIG thanks to Steven Grajek for doing some phenomenal cover work! We feel the cover stands out and better aligns with the marketplace. 

Additionally Personal Finance Under One Hour was slightly revised to include the introduction of robo-advisors in Section 6.

New Authors and Books - Several new and experienced authors were hired to write books on their topics of expertise. Below are the newest authors with their published books:
  • Pokemon Go by Steven Grajek

  • The Films of Sam Mendes by Michael Jolls

  • Children's Literacy by Magdalena Teske

Book Launch and Signing - Under One Hour hosted this event at the Evanston Public Library in November and provided snacks and coffee for all who attended! It was great to meet some of the fans and sign books.

Some fans with the authors

Andrew Signing "Personal Finance"

Michael Signing "The Films of Sam Mendes"

Andrew meeting a young fan interested in "Pokemon Go" and "History of the Marines"

2017 Plans for an Exciting Year

UOH's New Position - We would like to welcome Michael Jolls as our new Marketing Director! His experience in daily promotion, film, and previous books makes him a great addition to our team. We look forward to putting his new ideas in motion and delivering great content to our fans and customers.

New and Exciting Books - Our current authors are working on finishing books to be published in 2017! Below are the newest authors with their books on PRE-ORDER:
    • Nutrition by Kathy Brown

    • The History of the US Marine Corps by Andrew Belet

    Other Books planned - There are many other book topics that are in the early stages of writing or which authors have approached UOH with the desire to write. Below are some that are scheduled for 2017:
    • Buying, Driving and the Future of Cars 
    • Buying a Home
    • Geocashing 
    • The films of Christopher Nolan
    • Traveling to Germany

    Interview Series/Podcast - UOH is in the process of launching an interview series of the authors and other published authors in regards to their topics, and writing process. We are also considering doing a podcast for live interviews. What do you, as the reader, think?

    Translator - UOH is looking for a traslator for Spanish primarily. If you, or anyone you know, would like an opportunity to translate, please reach out to us and we can get started. If you can translate a different language and would like to take on this challenge, let us know!

    Want to Write for UOH? Have a non-fiction topic you would like to write about, or want to know how to start? Contact us and we can get your writing dreams to come to life!

    Thank you

    We want to give a big thank you to everyone who has supported the UOH mission of delivering high quality content in a easy, and short, format. We appreciate all of our customers, followers, friends, and families! 

    Questions/Comments - If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to us and we'll get back to you in a short manner. 

    Thursday, November 3, 2016

    Under One Hour Book Launch and Signing

    Under One Hour, LLC is launching TWO new books this November. 
    Please join us as we celebrate the achievements of our authors. 
    Complementary coffee and snacks will be provided!

    Books Launching:

    "Children's Literacy Under One Hour" By Magdalena Teske
    "The Films of Sam Mendes Under One Hour" By Michael Jolls

    Books Signing:

    "The Films of Sam Mendes Under One Hour" By Michael Jolls
    "Personal Finance Under One Hour" By Andrew Brown & Brendan Connolly

    Other Books Available/Pre-sale:

    "Pokemon Go Guide Under One Hour" By Steven Grajek

    "Buying, Driving, and the Future of Cars Under One Hour" By Andrew Brown
    "Nutrition Under One Hour" By Kathy Brown

    Kindle Links:

    Event Page:

    See you there!

    Wednesday, August 10, 2016

    Personal Finance UOH Updated with NEW COVER

    Earlier this summer, Under One Hour asked our fanbase to give feedback on a new cover design.

    Your feedback was greatly appreciated!!!

    After working with our graphic designer over the past few months, we have a finished product!!! 

    As a result, we are republishing the Personal Finance Under One Hour book and getting ready to launch several more books this fall. If you haven't already, I encourage you to check the book out below to see what Under One Hour is all about! 

    Starting Friday, we will be doing a FREE promotion of Section 1, Income and Spending.

    Also coming up later this week, we will be publishing Pokemon Go Under One Hour!!!

    Finally, follow our progress on Facebook and Twitter Here:

    Thanks again for all of your support. Your feedback helps keep us going to deliver high quality content!

    Wednesday, June 22, 2016

    Five Books For Aspiring Actors - Guest Blog Post

    Sometimes we need to take a step back from who were are, where we are, and what we’re doing, so we can get another look at who we are, where we are, and what we’re doing.
    ~ Matthew Kelly, motivational speaker


    If I spent at least five minutes on any given day, just scrolling down the newsfeed of my own Facebook, there is a 100% chance that I will see an aspiring actor post something that will make me, or any of the casting directors I work with, never want to call them in for an audition.

    Why? Generally because their ego is the size of a yacht.

    There is a theory, which I believe to be true, that many of today’s aspiring actors want to be famous for the sake of being famous. Try and ask any eager thespian why they want to be cast, and the majority of the answers will be disconcerting, as the responses are ignorant of solid reasons. Any actor knows what to do, where to do it, who to do it with, when to do it, how to do it - but many completely miss the ball on why. To be fair, this is not exclusive to actors; over ambitious directors, producers, and models do the same thing where they talk profusely about themselves on a public forum, yet display zero substance.

    If you’re an actor reading this, and your answer to the why question is: “I act for the art form”... not good enough. It’s still a better response than: “because I want to make it”, but it’s still a shallow answer. It showcases a lack in the comprehension of why you’re acting. This generally leads to delusions of grandeur, a void in legitimate support, the appearance of desperation, and the inability to grasp the awesome role you play in the modern era!

    If you’re sitting there thinking to yourself, “Naw, I got plenty of Facebook ‘likes’ on my statuses”...WARNING. If you’re sitting there thinking, “I don’t need to read books, I’m currently cast in an up-and-coming web series”...WARNING. If you’re still sitting there and thinking, “I gotta remember to take a selfie when I’m on set tonight”... MAYDAY! And… you were thinking about which hashtags you’d use too, right? Thought so.

    There’s no single solution to this dilemma, but what you can do is supplement your mind. Motivational speaker Matthew Kelly has advocated over and over: “Books change our lives.” It’s time to make that happen by educating yourself in building a stronger conscientiousness about the Hollywood industry. The intention of the following five titles is to expand your view-point of the filmmaking business, develop a deeper understanding of the industry, and help you appreciate how cool of a job you have. Again, supplement. These books don’t hold the secret to “making it”. They are easy reads intended to give your mind something to ponder.

    A Star Is Found
    By: Janet Hirshenson & Jane Jenkins

    Let’s be crystal clear: when you begin talking about some “producer” who has  “connections” to Netflix, and he saw your headshot and said you had “potential”.... go look at yourself in the mirror, say the following outloud: “I am having delusions of grandeur”. Then call up your local library and have them track down a copy of Janet Hirshenson’s & Jane Jenkins’ excellent A Star Is Found: Our Adventures in Casting Some of Hollywood’s Biggest Movies.

    There are dozens of considerations that go into casting. Dozens. It’s so vital to be mindful of this fact, practically essential to grasp the concept of show-business, because it’s often similar to the independent industry. Actors would benefit from understanding how the studio-system casts. Actors who are not conscious of this easily slip into the realm of wishful thinking. With story after story, Hirshenson & Jenkin’s takes you through the in’s and out’s that occur throughout the development of a feature film. Each and every movie they discuss remains a new puzzle they had to solve, and it would be a major asset to actors to get a taste of how the casting director functions and thinks. Again, dozens of variables decide casting. Don’t take my word for it, allow Hirshenson & Jenkin to educate you.

    Gods Like Us
    By: Ty Burr

    Personally, if I was king of show-biz, I would make Gods Like Us be required reading for all inquiring actors before they’re allowed to schedule their first photoshoot for headshots. The reason being that the modern culture is all about fast action, immediate information, and instant gratification. Then posting it, sharing it, and tweeting it and retweeting it. Then go support this fan page for a my modeling career, and another for an indie project, and check out these images from a photoshoot, and here’s an inspirational quote, AND a paragraph of hashtags (this is why the “do not disturb” is always activated on my iPhone). You’ve heard it said before that we need quiet-time from all this noise, and I encourage you to devote some of that silence to history. Specifically, the history of your profession.

    Let’s be honest, art school is outrageously expensive, and the majority of actors out there aren’t necessarily rolling in spare cash. Now, if you really want to make an impression on the producers and directors you meet, get to know the stuff that really turns them on (and I don’t mean mini-skirts). 99% of these guys are movie-buffs, and few books are as concise, articulate, and rich as Ty Burr’s Gods Like Us: On Movie Stardom and Modern Fame. This is a college-level class perfectly arranged into a terrific book, that takes the reader from Hollywood’s golden era to the modern day celebrity. As an actor, you are participating in a wonderful tradition - dig into its past.

    An Improvised Life
    By: Alan Arkin

    The majority of most memoirs are a sporadic mixture of different scenes from one’s life, almost a banal narrative of the family photo-album. No so with Arkin. Rather, he splits his masterful book into two halves and keeps more structure by staying in chronological order. He begins in his youth, taking the reader through acting school, and into his career working on movie sets. Yet, Arkin’s acting craft is the dominating “person” in the book, specifically how the acting-craft developed through the years by trial-and-error. The second half departs from Arkin’s own biography, and delves into stories gathered from a monthly acting-workshop that Arkin and his wife manage. These stories, which generally feature doctors and bankers, showcase how the exercise of improv is a tremendous life tool, a form of relaxation, and mental growth.

    What’s important to note about An Improvised Life is that it remains a Hollywood story that relates to the common man. This is a rare book that you could pass onto anyone who’s frustrated with the dull daily routine of life, as it showcases the brilliance of going outside of one’s comfort zone. Life’s journey is one of constant self-improvement and self-examination, and Arkin uses these themes to showcase the beauty of failure.

    Killing Reagan
    By: Bill O’Reilly & Martin Dugard

    “Oh God, please don’t spoon-feed us politics!”

    Hush. The emphasis here is on history, so Killing Reagan: The Violent Assault That Changed a Presidency is included on the list because it serves several purposes. Consider the actor who “made it”; Reagan rubbed elbows with Academy Award winners on a regular basis and was president of the Screen Actors Guild for six years. Nevertheless, show-business remains an industry of fluctuation and Killing Reagan highlights the 40th president’s innovativeness and confidence to keep himself economically afloat. Shooter John Hinckley’s disturbing odyssey that lead him to attempting murder is paved with pop-culture obsession, so those unfamiliar with political jargon won’t be completely disassociated with the book.

    Although these suggested titles have been assembled for actors, a percentage of amateur filmmakers also tend to deceive themselves with unrealistic objectives. These are the guys whose mind is filled, and I mean jam-packed, with nothing but movies. It’s good for one to take a vacation from the “hustle & grind” mind-set, and ground themselves on larger issues (yes, there are more important things in life than the title of the next 007-movie). The first third of Killing Reagan is about Hollywood, hence the material is easy to access. Hopefully you will be intrigued to keep going and consume more of the book. Perhaps it’ll be a spring-board for taking interest in the modern era. Don’t worry, social media isn’t going away anytime soon, and someone will always be waiting there to sucker you into being a background extra when you come back. If your conversations are dominated by what movie you want to see next weekend, or complaining about not getting paid for a Facebook video… there’s no nice way to say this, but that’s pathetic. Try grounding yourself in something outside of the industry. Alan Arkin improvised. Ronald Reagan improvised. You can improvise.

    Conversations with Filmmaker Series
    Edited By: Various Contributors

    Another thing about these movie-geeks: I bet any sum of money that these guys each have a director (or two) that you are sick to death of hearing them reference. Still, there’s something to learn from everyone, and for actors, the great directors can be a source of incredible insight.

    The University Press of Mississippi’s Conversations with Filmmaker Series has been around since the late 1990’s, and although not every single big name is included in the series, many of the famous directors are. These books are an excellent way to tap into the concept of directorial authorship and will help increase your awareness when watching movies independently. It’s also a fun and fulfilling activity to focus on one specific director and examine their work on your own. Again, self-education is fulfilling, and a savvy way to avoid paying heinous amounts of money for art school.

    Edited by: Mary Morley

    Michael Jolls is a film producer from Chicago, IL. His credits include the documentary Cathedral of the North Shore (2013), feature-length mockumenary The Great Chicago Filmmaker (2015), as well as numerous videos based off characters he co-created with fellow associates. Jolls worked as assistant editor on the book David Fincher: Interviews by Dr. Laurence Knapp. His new book The Films of Sam Mendes will release fall 2016 for Under One Hour publications.

    Saturday, April 2, 2016

    The Tesla Model 3 (Under One Hour)


    One of Under One Hour’s upcoming books will be called Buying, Driving and the Future of Cars Under One Hour. So naturally, the announcement of the Tesla Model 3 has sparked my interest. There has been a lot of buzz surrounding Tesla since the unveiling of the Model S sedan in 2012. The high end car has sold well and received top reviews and industry awards. Before that, Tesla built an all-electric sport car called the Tesla Roadster which was basically an 'expensive toy.' The purpose was to show that electric vehicles could be a great alternative. You might compare the Roadster to Fisker’s all-electric sports car. 

    The Model 3 is Tesla’s version of a more modest car and the next phase of the company. The revenue from the Model S & X is what was required to pay for the development of the model 3. This is the typical path of bringing a new product to the mainstream market.

    The Oatmeal, a funny comic website, published a great review of the Model S.
    I encourage everyone to read it here:

    One aspect the UOH book will talk about is the alternative energy sources for vehicles. These include hydrogen, electricity, magnetism, and natural gas. The cleanest alternative energy seems to be hydrogen, with the biggest hurdle being the replacement of current infrastructure. It will take some time to get hydrogen development and fuel cells in circulation. There could be an easier solution, but we are years away from that.

    This brings us back to Tesla and what they are trying to accomplish. Essentially, they are single-handedly trying to take the excuse out of owning a petroleum-fueled vehicle. Why own a gasoline vehicle if the more luxurious, faster, less expensive option is electric? With the expansion of clean electricity, and Tesla building out their supercharging infrastructure, electric cars certainly seem to be the near term future.

    The big issue electric vehicles have is their range. The Chevy Volt and Nissan Leaf have only about a 50-100 mile range with some versions having a gas tank to extend the range. Tesla has always promised over 200 miles per charge, no gas tank, and a quick charge of only 40 minutes. The range I would like to see, and one that would destroy any electric car disadvantages, would be a 1000 mile range on a single charge. This is something we’ll see in the future with better battery technology, or potentially solar paint integration, but it is not here yet. The furthest range Tesla currently offers is 288.

    However, Tesla has built a ‘Gigafactory’ designed specifically for lithium-ion battery production. This factory is claimed to double the entire world’s current level of production. Naturally, they are researching and improving the battery capacity along with it. High volume with the world’s best battery technology allows the model 3 to be produced with the furthest range at the lowest cost. Their Fremont factory plans on producing 500 thousand Model 3 cars per year; Talk about an industry disruption!

    Model 3 Reservation

    As mentioned above, I am researching and writing a book about cars, so naturally I've been following the latest trends and seeing what new cars are coming out. Having test driven and know owners of the Model S, needing a replacement for my wife’s car in a couple years, wanting to decrease our carbon footprint, and not wanting to spend too much money, my wife and I decided to reserve the Model 3. Production and delivery of the car is scheduled for the fall of 2017.

    On March 31st, I went to our local Tesla store (there are 215 stores now and 441 locations by the end of next year) in order to reserve it. I expected there to be a lot of people interested, but I definitely did not expect a long line. The email I received earlier in the week mentioned that you could reserve the Model 3 in store on March 31st, or online April 1st. Knowing that we will need a replacement car sooner rather than later, I wanted to reserve it as early as possible. I figured if I showed up a little before the store opens, I should have a pretty good spot.

    I did some searching on Google and Facebook the morning of and saw that there were already lines forming at 8 in the morning! Crap! I needed to get there way earlier and ended up getting there at 9:30 to find a decently long line. Perhaps there were a hundred or so people when I got there. By 10am, when the store opened, the line doubled! Is this black Friday or reserving a car we won’t drive for 2 years?

    The line moved quickly and the store was well prepared for the volume. Essentially, around 10:30 am, I was able to enter my basic credit card information into a computer terminal with a salesperson. The process took about 45 seconds! Similar to waiting in line at amusement parks, it’s quite laughable that so many people were waiting such a long time for less than the minute it takes to actually reserve the car; ESPECIALLY since no information on the car has been released!!! Those details would be released via live video stream at Tesla’s headquarters the night of March 31st with Elon Musk presenting the details. But your spot in the queue matters for delivery!

                    You can find the video on their website and details of the Model 3 here:

    Model 3 Details

    Finally, for the specs of the Tesla Model 3 (Based model, options will improve):

    • Price: $35,000. According to USA Today, “The estimated average transaction price of a new car or truck sold in the U.S. in April [2015] was $33,560 — 2.6% higher than in the month a year ago, according to data from auto researcher Kelley Blue Book.” So with the Model 3 coming in at $35K, it seems like a very practical alternative now.
    • Tax Incentive: $7,500. One of the attractive price breaks has been the federal and state tax incentives. Most of the state incentives have met their quota and are no longer offered. Currently, the federal tax incentive is $7,500 and it has not yet met the quota. While this would greatly reduce the price of the Model 3, it seems as if the tax incentive will have ended by the time Tesla actually builds and prices the Model 3. With climate change becoming more pronounced every year, the incentive could be extended however, but it is wise to not factor that into the budget. Either way, the price is still very reasonable.
    • Safety: Tesla claims it will have a five star safety rating, making it the safest car in its class. This is one of the best things to know as there won’t be any explosions from a gas engine, they have eliminated any potential battery fires, and since there is no engine in the front of the car, the car has extra crumple room. This is a great justification to family members as well by buying the safest vehicle for your children!
    • Speed: 0-60 in less than 6 seconds for the base model. Elon Musk said “At Tesla, we don’t make slow cars!” Another attractive feature of being all-electric, there is more energy efficiency than gasoline vehicles. An electric motor is over 90% efficient while gasoline engines manage only 20% efficiency (most energy goes to heat)! This means that the Tesla vehicles bolt off the line and are incredibly responsive. Of the fastest cars in the world, the $130K Model S ranks 6th in the world with a 0-60 of 2.6 seconds! The next fastest car is the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport, World Record Edition coming in at 2.5 seconds…The price… $2.3 million. Talk about value! I would never reasonably consider a car over $100K, but the value of the Model S being able to compete against a $2.3 million dollar car is incredible!
    • Range: Starting minimum range of 215 miles at full charge. They project to have more miles at full charge by production time with the advances they are making at the Gigafactory. While I am not too impressed with the range (as described above), this will still last me about 2 weeks of driving before charging. The options for the vehicle will include longer ranges and I would love to see 300+ for this vehicle.
    • Size: Seats 5 comfortably. Being comfortable is key and to do this they moved up the front seats to make more leg room (you can do this when there is no bulky engine in the ‘front trunk’) so that 5 people would still have room. Apparently you can fit a 7-foot surfboard inside the car! Since there is a front and back trunk, it will have more cargo room than any other car in its class.
    • Panoramic Roof: To make the back seat feel more roomy, they are including the unique all glass ceiling in the car. This is another feature I wanted to pay for and on the Model S, it cost $1500! Thank you, Tesla, for including that in the base price!
    • Autopilot: Autopilot will be INCLUDED in all Model 3’s! This is the most exciting feature for me because this seems to be the way of the future. I've been wanting fully autonomous vehicles since 2008 when they were first being tested. On the Model S, this feature is $2500, so to have that included on the Model 3 is a fantastic deal!
    • Supercharging: Supercharging is INCLUDED. This means that you can charge the Model 3 at any Tesla supercharger FOR FREE. To put this in perspective, imagine never having to pay for gas again! Feel free to look up the testimonials online about the people that have crossed the US and never paid for gas or electricity! Additionally, by the end of 2017, they plan on doubling the number of locations around the world, and tripling the number of superchargers. As of 3/31, there are 3,608 superchargers and 3,689 destination chargers and by the end of 2017 they plan on having 7,200 superchargers and 15,000 destination chargers! Free mobility at its finest.
    • The Look: In my opinion, it looks like a Porsche Panamera (The only Porsche I actually like). My initial reaction when it rolled onto the floor wasn't that great, but when they zoomed in, so you can see the detail of the car and how it actually looks, I became very impressed. 

    Here is the Tesla Model 3:

    Here is the Porsche Panamera:


    In summary, I believe this car is the future and am willing to back it up with my reservation. Regardless of the environmental benefits, this is a car I would want over just about every other car (including the Model S!). The unique thing about Tesla vehicles is that they do not change the production lines each year. They attempt to produce such a great vehicle from the onset that all they have to do is continually update the vehicle through software updates. This allows the life of the vehicle to be extended (and stay new) much longer than gasoline vehicles! Assuming you’re concerned about the battery, they are rumored to have the ability to replace the battery at some superchargers instead of waiting with your car plugged in. This would allow Tesla to give you a new battery indefinitely.

    What do you think? Have you reserved one or are you going to? Let me know in the comments below! Make sure to subscribe to stay up-to-date on our latest books and growth!

    -Andrew Brown, 4-1-16

    Monday, March 14, 2016

    Your Guide to the 2016 Presidential Election – April Primary Update

    “Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting.”         -Franklin D. Roosevelt

    One of the very few things we can control in our politics is who we elect into office. As a democratic republic, we don’t vote directly on the issues like a literal democracy would, instead we vote for people who make it their jobs to pass legislation which represents the people. As part of the industrialized world who claims to be the freest country on earth, the United States has the lowest voter turnout!

    This is why voting is so important, because to fully express our views and freedom, it is our civic duty to vote. As much as 60 years ago, the ability to vote left out certain demographic groups. From a voting perspective, we have breached this barrier, however, voter turnout is still incredibly low. Personally, I think this is because the American people don’t believe their vote means much (for instance, Illinois always votes democrat, so why bother voting republican), being informed is incredibly difficult, and the voting process is antiquated and limiting. In many of our fellow industrialized nations, the voting process can last several days, including weekend days, and is much more accessible to everyone regardless of location or voting medium.

    As far as being informed, it seems easy to be informed about a nationally covered event like the presidential election, but it is not so easy to find, or stay current, on the smaller local and event senate elections. There are simply too many people to consider in all of these different elections. As a result, I find it hard to be informed and to really understand who I am voting for when it comes to, say, local judges and commissioners. Many people have told me they vote based on the name, or just blanketing their vote for the party they register as. While this might be fully representative of a voter’s view, this can’t possibly be the best way to vote.

    This guide is designed to give you all of the information necessary to understand the backgrounds and the political views of the 6 remaining presidential candidates.

    Current primary standings:


    On the Democrat’s side, there are 717 superdelegates. “[These] include distinguished party leaders and elected officials, including all Democratic members of the House and Senate and sitting Democratic governors. Other superdelegates are chosen during the primary season. Democratic superdelegates are free to support any candidate for the nomination.”
    “The Democratic Party has faced accusations that it has been conducting its nominating process in an undemocratic way, because superdelegates are generally chosen without regard to their preferences in the presidential race and are not obligated to support the candidate chosen by the voters.”


    UPDATE: Marco Rubio suspended his campaign for President on March 15, 2016, after losing the Republican primary in his home state of Florida to Donald Trump by double digits. 

    Democrat candidate’s background/bio

    “Hillary Clinton has served as secretary of state, senator from New York, first lady of the United States, first lady of Arkansas, a practicing lawyer and law professor, activist, and volunteer.”

    Born: Chicago, IL in 1947 making her 68 years old.

    College: Wellesley College 1969. First student Commencement speaker
                    Yale University 1973 for her J.D.

    Early Career: Started as a legal counsel. Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families in 1977. First female chair of the Legal Services Corporation in 1978, and was named the first female partner at Rose Law Firm in 1979.

    Political Career: First lady of Arkansas 1979 ~1992. First lady of the US 1993-2001. US Senator of New York 2001-2009. US Secretary of State 2009-2013.

    Bernie Sanders -

    “In 2006, he was elected to the U.S. Senate after 16 years as Vermont’s sole congressman in the House of Representatives. Bernie is now serving his second term in the U.S. Senate.”

    Born: Brooklyn, NY in 1941 making him 74 years old.

    College: University of Chicago 1964. Active civil rights protest organizer.

    Early Career: Worked as a carpenter and documentary filmmaker.

    Political Career: Mayor of Burlington, Vermot 1981-1989. US House of Representatives 1991-2007. US Senator of Vermont 2007-Present, Chariman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs 2013-2015.

    Republican candidate’s background/bio

    An American businessman, politician, television personality, author, Chairman and president of The Trump Organization

    Born: Queens, NY in 1946 making him 69 years old.

    College: Fordham University for two years.
    University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business 1968. Attended due to one of the few real estate departments. Also worked at his father's company, Elizabeth Trump & Son.

    Business Career: Elizabeth Trump & Son focused on middle-class rental housing across New York City. Unfortunately, the company was accused of violations of the Fair Housing Act. 1971 he got involved in larger projects. Eventually turned the bankrupt Commodore Hotel next to Grand Central into the Grand Hyatt and created The Trump Organization. 1988 he bought the Taj Mahal Casino in Atlantic City, NJ which later went into business bankruptcy in 1991. In 2001 he completed the Trump World Tower and other buildings in the prime of Manhattan. In the later 2000’s, he has acquired many golf courses, very intelligently branded and licensed the Trump name, made large investments in fortune 500 companies, bought sport’s teams, created beauty pageants, and created and stared in TV shows.

    Political Career: “Trump has described his political leanings and positions in various, sometimes contradictory ways over time. Politico has described his positions as "eclectic, improvisational and often contradictory." He has listed his party affiliation as Republican, Independence Party, Democrat, and "decline to state." He has also run as a Reform Party candidate. Specifically, he has changed his positions on taxing the wealthy, abortion rights and health care.” (Wikipedia) His best run for political office was in the 2012 presidential race until the recent 2016 campaign.

    “Throughout his entire life, Ted Cruz has proven to be a passionate and effective fighter for limited government, economic growth, and the Constitution. Ted’s calling to public service has been inspired by his first-hand observation of the pursuit of freedom and opportunity in America.”

    Born: Calgary, Alberta, Canada in 1970 making him 45 years old. While being born in Canada, the Illinois Board of Elections ruled in Cruz's favor, stating, "The candidate is a natural born citizen by virtue of being born in Canada to his mother who was a U.S. citizen at the time of his birth."

    College: Princeton University 1992. Harvard Law School 1995.

    Early Career: Director of the Federal Trade Commission 1999-2003.

    Political Career: Solicitor General of Texas 2003-2008. US Senator of Texas 2013-Present

    Marco Rubio -

    “As a U.S. Senator, Marco has led a bold offensive to institute innovative, conservative ideas to address these fundamental issues and to restore hope in the American Dream.”

    Born: Miami, Florida in 1971 making him 44 years old.

    College: University of Florida 1993. University of Miami School of Law 1996 for his J.D. Rubio has said that his education resulted in $100,000 of student loans, which he paid off in 2012.

    Early Career: Worked on Bob Dole’s 1996 presidential campaign. In 1998 became City Commissioner for West Miami.

    Political Career: House of Representatives of Florida 2000-2008, Speaker of the Florida House 2006-2008. US Senator of Florida 2011-Present.

    “As Chairman of the U.S. House Budget Committee, John Kasich spearheaded the successful effort to balance the federal budget for the first time since man walked on the moon.”

    Born: McKees Rocks, PN in 1952 making him 63 years old.

    College: The Ohio State University 1974. Researcher for the Ohio Legislative Service Commission.

    Early Career: Administrative assistant to Senator Buz Lukens 1975-1978.

    Political Career: Senator of Ohio 1979-1983. US House of Representatives for Ohio 1983-2001, Chairman of the House Budget Committee 1995-2001. Governor of Ohio 2001-Present.

    Democrat candidate’s political views and campaign promises

    Hillary Clinton
    • Overturn Citizens United and establish a small-donor matching system.
    • “Enable Americans with existing student loan debt to refinance at current rates.” “Hold colleges and universities accountable for controlling costs and making tuition affordable.”
    • “Close corporate tax loopholes and make the most fortunate pay their fair share.”
    • Invest in infrastructure to create good jobs.
    • “Defend the Affordable Care Act and build on it to slow the growth of out-of-pocket costs.”
    • “Tackle dangerous risks in the big banks and elsewhere in the financial system.”

    Bernie Sanders
    • “Demanding that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share in taxes.”
    • “Increasing the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 an hour by 2020.”
    • Rebuild our crumbling Infrastructure and create good jobs.
    • “Making tuition free at public colleges and universities throughout America.”
    • “Guaranteeing healthcare as a right of citizenship by enacting a Medicare for all single-payer healthcare system.”
    • Overturn Citizens United and change campaign finance and strengthen voting rights for individuals, not corporations or big money.

    Republican candidate’s political views and campaign promises

    Donald Trump
    •  “A simpler tax code with four brackets – 0%, 10%, 20% and 25%.” No business, big or small, will pay more than 15% in taxes of their income.
    • Repeal Obamacare, fully deduct premiums on tax returns, and “remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, reliable and cheaper products.”
    • “Declare China A Currency Manipulator. End China’s Intellectual Property Violations. Eliminate China’s Illegal Export Subsidies And Other Unfair Advantages.” Improve US corporate advantage with the proposed 15% tax cap.
    • “There must be a wall across the southern border” paid by Mexico. Enforce current immigration laws, give American’s priority for jobs.
    • “Defend The Rights of Law-Abiding Gun Owners. Fix Our Broken Mental Health System.”
    • “Ensure veterans get the care they need wherever and whenever they need it,” both physical and mental.

    Ted Cruz
    •  Protect the Second Amendment.
    • “Restore the Constitution as a standard. Protect the people by rolling back the federal government to the functions the Constitution sets out. Give power back to the states and the people.”
    • “Stop illegal immigration, Build a wall that works, triple border security, and put in place the surveillance and biometric tracking to secure the border.” Stop Obama’s Amnesty.
    • “Fiercely defend our allies and interests. Immediately repeal every word of President Obama’s dangerous Iran deal and will prioritize American national security interests in every instance.”
    • Instruct the Department of Justice, the IRS, and every other federal agency that the persecution of religious liberty ends today.”
    • Implement a flat tax; Personal – 10%, Business – 16%. Abolish IRS, eliminate death tax, overseas profit tax, alternative minimum tax, Obamacare taxes.

    Marco Rubio
    •  “Stop China from undermining America.”
    • “Fight for a Balanced Budget Amendment and force Washington to live within its means without raising taxes.” “Repeal ObamaCare and cut trillions in spending.”
    • “Rewrite the Obama Administration’s Flawed Five-Year Offshore Drilling Plan. Immediately Approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. Expedite Approval of American Natural Gas Exports.”
    • “Establish income-based repayment (IBR) as the universal repayment method for federal student loans; Empower new borrowers to make loan payments in proportion to what they earn, and give graduates the option of consolidating existing loans into the new, simplified IBR system.”
    • “Deport criminal illegal aliens, Hire 20,000 new Border Patrol agents, Finish all 700 miles of walls on our southern border, Implement a mandatory eVerify system.”
    • “Boost the size of our forces to do the jobs we ask them to do, and modernizing them to meet the threats they will face so that when efforts to deter conflict fail.”

    John Kasich
    • “Work with Congress to balance the budget in eight years by reining-in spending, reforming our broken entitlement programs such as Medicaid and Medicare, sending federal programs back to our states and communities where they belong.”
    • “Work with Congress to cut personal and business taxes, simplify the tax code and initiate a top-to-bottom review of our tax system to eliminate barriers to innovation, and root-out bias, arrogance and corruption in the Internal Revenue Service.”
    • “Begin dismantling Washington and taking our power, money and influence back to our states and communities.”
    • “Approve the Keystone XL pipeline, bring common sense and science to energy regulation in order to properly balance environmental stewardship and job creation, and encourage research in new technologies.”

    I hope you have found this guide useful. Let me know in the comments below and be sure to submit your e-mail to follow our blog and share the posts you like! If you would like to write a blog post for us sharing your experience or a review on your product, contact us for more details.


    Be sure to let your voice be heard and vote!!! 

    Please note: Being transparent, I wanted to present the information above in as unbiased manner as possible, however, I fully support Bernie Sanders. I hope this didn't sway the guide in any direction, however, there are many issues on each candidates website not discussed here. I tried to present the hottest issues as discussed in the debates and online.