Earlier this summer, Under One Hour asked our fanbase to give feedback on a new cover design.
As a result, we are republishing the Personal Finance Under One Hour book and getting ready to launch several more books this fall. If you haven't already, I encourage you to check the book out below to see what Under One Hour is all about!
Starting Friday, we will be doing a FREE promotion of Section 1, Income and Spending.
Also coming up later this week, we will be publishing Pokemon Go Under One Hour!!!
Finally, follow our progress on Facebook and Twitter Here:
Thanks again for all of your support. Your feedback helps keep us going to deliver high quality content!
Your feedback was greatly appreciated!!!
After working with our graphic designer over the past few months, we have a finished product!!!
Starting Friday, we will be doing a FREE promotion of Section 1, Income and Spending.
Also coming up later this week, we will be publishing Pokemon Go Under One Hour!!!
Finally, follow our progress on Facebook and Twitter Here: